Pre-organised panel - submission 6
Panel 6: Arthur Miller and the Art of Engagement
“Arthur was a believer in the slow peaceful revolution that is the basis of the vitality of the American experience. His plays hold a mirror up to us, saying, 'This is who you are. If you don’t like what you see don’t look away. Change!' There are many very talented writers in the United States whose work does not matter at all, for they are content to leave people’s minds where they found them, offering escapism rather than social or political engagement [...] And then there are writers who matter. Arthur mattered. Arthur mattered a lot.” - Edward Albee, playwright
This panel will examine how Miller, throughout his profession, committed himself to the arts and activism to advance social awareness, engagement, and progress. The Arthur Miller Society encourages the submission of 15-minute papers addressing any area of this theme.
Abstract Submissions: Scholars and artists are invited to email a 250-word abstract in English with paper title, author’s name, institutional affiliation, status, postal address, and email address at the top left.
Enquiries or submissions should be directed to Dr Joshua Polster: